See also: world



Proper noun


World (plural Worlds)

  1. The specific world, or any of several specific constituent worlds, that humans live in, among any other (real or possible) worlds:
    1. Earth: the Earth (our earth).
    2. The Universe: our universe.
    3. Existence.
    4. Any of the (conceptually figurative) worlds that constitute (or have formerly been asserted to constitute) the world, as for example:
      1. The Third World (the third world).
      2. The First World (the first world).
      3. The Second World (the second world).
      4. The Fourth World (the fourth world).
      5. The Industrialized World (the industrialized world).
      6. The Developed World (the developed world).
      7. The Developing World (the developing world).

See also
