See also: come to Jesus








  1. (idiomatic, Christianity) Relating to a Christian conversion, recommitment, or associated ritual, especially public confession.
  2. (idiomatic, US) Relating to a similar secular ritual.
    • 2009 November 12, Greg A. Bedard, “Offense clears the air”, in Milwaukee Journal Sentinel:
      With the coaches still in the room, the veteran leaders on offense, one by one, took turns addressing the rest of the unit. / "It was a come-to-Jesus meeting," guard Daryn Colledge said Wednesday.
  3. (idiomatic, US) Conveying a scolding or a blunt discussion of a disagreeable fact regarding the addressee.
    To bring someone in for a come-to-Jesus talk.
    • 2024 March 8, Joe Biden, quotee, “Biden caught saying he and Netanyahu need to have ‘come to Jesus meeting’”, in The Guardian[1], sourced from Associated Press, →ISSN:
      Joe Biden’s growing frustration with the Israeli prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, continued to mount, with the Democratic US president captured on a hot mic saying that he and the Israeli leader will need to have a “come to Jesus meeting”.