



epipastic (not comparable)

  1. (medicine, obsolete) Having the qualities of a dusting powder.
    • 1878, Sir William James Erasmus Wilson, Lectures on dermatology; delivered in the Royal college of surgeons of England, Jan., 1870:
      Painting the disks of area with the epipastic fluid of the pharmacopoeia may also, occasionally, be resorted to, or the epipastic fluid may be diluted with spirits of camphor.
    • 1885, American Journal of Pharmacy, volume 57, page 350:
      Courbon, experimenting physiologically upon Epicauta adspersa, denied that the hard parts exercised any epipastic action, and Leidy, speaking of Epicauta viltata, went further, and said of this species that "the vesicating principle resides in the blood an fatty matter peculiar to certain glands accessory to the generative organs andd in the eggs".


  • A Practical Medical Dictionary (Stedman, 1922).