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Borrowed from Ancient Greek ἔσχατον (éskhaton, last thing), from the neuter singular of ἔσχατος (éskhatos, last).





eschaton (plural eschatons or eschata)

  1. (Christianity, theology) The apocalypse; the arrival and the era of God’s reign immediately preceding the end of the world; a conception of or circumstance pertaining to this era.
    • 1953, F. W. Dillistone, “The Church and Time”, in Scottish Journal of Theology, volume 6, page 163:
      Only in the eschaton will God’s purpose gain its final fulfilment, a fulfilment, be it noted, which may still include some form of movement within a time-series.
    • 1966 [1962], Karl Rahner, “The Hermeneutics of Eschatological Associations”, in Karl Rahner, translated by Kevin Smyth, Theological Investigations, volume 4, page 336:
      And this is also true of the revelation of the eschata: they do not reach us in a discourse about the future still to come, but in an action, in which God has already really begun them in us.
    • 1994, Marcus J. Borg, Jesus in Contemporary Scholarship, →ISBN, page 86:
      Without these sayings, the textual basis for saying Jesus expected an imminent eschaton becomes very slender.
  2. (by extension) An end or fulfilment of history in general.
    • 1949 December, Helmut Kuhn, “[Review of Karl Löwith, Meaning in History: The Theological Implications of the Philosophy of History]”, in The Journal of Philosophy, volume 46, number 25, →JSTOR, page 825:
      He, too, constructs a philosophical history towards an eschaton. In a peculiarly inverted manner he is among the believers in progress—the goal being the undoing of the things done.
    • 2011, Darrin Drda, The Four Global Truths: Awakening to the Peril and Promise of Our Times, →ISBN, page 152:
      The most major of these eschatons involves the 65-million-year Cenozoic era, which began with the Cretaceous-Tertiary extinction event that decimated the dinosaurs and is now closing with another mass extinction event.
    • 2016, J. Benjamin Hurlbut, Hava Tirosh-Samuelson, “Introduction: Technology, Utopianism and Eschatology”, in J. Benjamin Hurlbut, Hava Tirosh-Samuelson, editors, Perfecting Human Futures: Transhuman Visions and Technological Imaginations, →ISBN, page 10:
      From predictions of an imminent technological eschaton to theologically inflected ideas of human perfectibility achieved through technological means, there is ample warrant to see transhumanism as culturally other.

See also


