Korean: 당숙(堂叔)(ko)(dangsuk), 종숙(從叔)(jongsuk)(male first cousin of one's father), 당고모(堂姑母)(ko)(danggomo), 종고모(從姑母)(ko)(jonggomo)(female first cousin of one's father)
Bokmål: filleonkelm(male cousin of parent), filletantem or f(female cousin of parent)
Russian: двоюродный дядя(ru)m(dvojurodnyj djadja)(male first cousin of one's father), двоюродная тётяf(dvojurodnaja tjótja)(female first cousin of one's father), двоюродный дядя(ru)m(dvojurodnyj djadja)(male first cousin of one's mother), двоюродная тётяf(dvojurodnaja tjótja)(female first cousin of one's mother)