



Diminutive of hang down, with -y suffix.



hangy-downs pl (plural only)

  1. (colloquial) The parts of anything that hang down, such as tassels.
    • 2002, Colin Fletcher, Clem L. Rawlins, The Complete Walker IV, page 145:
      With the divider removed or disengaged, the hangy-downs that attach it can get caught up in the loading process. So it goes.
    • 2007, Pat Lorett, To-1944: Oklahoma Farm Life, page 94:
      Next night, I took a small bucket with some rocks in it, sure enough there was Bulley and all the pond cows up to their hangy-downs in the muddy water.
    • 2011, Tim LaHaye, Jerry B. Jenkins, Glorious Appearing: The End of Days:
      Leon was in his most resplendent, gaudiest, Day-Glo getup, including a purple felt fez with multiple hangy-downs and a cranberry vestment with gold collar, appliquéd with every religious symbol known to man []