Sassarese edit

Etymology edit

From Vulgar Latin *hīnbernum, a modification of Latin hībernum (tempus).

Pronunciation edit

Noun edit

inverru m (plural inverri)

  1. winter (season)
    • 1866 [1770s], Antonio Martini, chapter XXIV, in Giovanni Spano, transl., L'ebagneliu sigundu S. Matteju [The Gospel according to St. Matthew]‎[1], London, translation of Il santo Vangelo di Gesù Cristo secondo Matteo (in Italian), verse 20, page 97:
      Prigheddi poi, chi no dèbiaddi fuggì d’inverru, o di sàbbaddu.
      Pray that your flight may not be in winter or on a Sabbath.
    • 1989, Giovanni Maria Cherchi, “Accannu [This year]”, in La poesia di l'althri [The poetry of others], Sassari: Arnoldo Mondadori Editore, page 55:
      Poi, pa’ tuttu lu freddu di l’inverru,
      a fammi cumpagnia i la tristhura
      soru abaraggiu chiddu pinsamentu
      Then, in all of winter’s cold, I'll only have this thought to keep me company in the sadness
    • 2010 October 2, Ignazio Sanna, “Un althru invèrru [Another winter]”, in Ignazio Sanna - Prosa e poesia in sassarese[2]:
      No abé timòri si torrani li nui,
      eu saraggiu da abà a datti curaggiu;
      vedarai: passarà chisth’althru invèrru
      Don't be afraid if clouds return; from now on, I'll be here to give you strength. You'll see: this new winter will pass

See also edit

Seasons in Sassarese · isthasgioni (layout · text) · category
primmabera, branu (spring) isthaddiari, isthiu (summer) attugnu (autumn) inverru (winter)

References edit

  • Rubattu, Antoninu (2006) Dizionario universale della lingua di Sardegna, 2nd edition, Sassari: Edes