



label +‎ scar, from label (sign giving information about something to which it is attached) + scar (permanent mark resulting from damage).



labelscar (plural labelscars)

  1. An outline left behind by the removal of a sign from a building.
    • 2005 September 26, Steven Swain, “Eastland Mall – Tulsa, OK.”, in That Mall is sick and that Store is dead![1]:
      I love a good labelscar.
    • 2010 August 5, AmericanDirt, “Rolling back the pages of mega-retail history.”, in American Dirt[2]:
      As I got closer to the structure, I could just begin to discern some lettering out of the labelscar, followed by the inevitable palm to the forehead.
    • 2019 July 3, The Gone-Ton (@gone_ton), Twitter[3]:
      It's not every day you see a labelscar as nasty as that one left by Old Navy.
    • 2023 May 11, Jamie Bradburn (@jbcurio), Twitter[4]:
      Labelscar of the Toronto Star at 1 Yonge