



“Low Mass” is the original sense, from prīvātus, “deprived”. The sense “private Mass” is probably from conflation with later cognates of prīvātus, e.g. English private, French privé.





missa prīvāta f (genitive missae prīvātae); first declension (Ecclesiastical Latin)

  1. Low Mass (Mass that is not sung)
    • 1883, “Ordo Servandus in Oratione Quadraginta Horarum, in Dioecesi Baltimorensi”, in The Pastor, volume 1, number 9, page 212:
      Si vero ob aliquam causam Missa in cantu non celebratur, Missa privata SS. Sacramenti legi poterit in iis diebus in quibus per rubricas licet, nempe quocumque die officium non est duplex, aut de Dominica, aut dies in qua prohibetur fieri de festo duplici.
      But if for some reason a sung Mass is not celebrated, a Low Mass of the Holy Sacrament may be read on those days on which it is licit according to the rubrics, whenever, of course, the office of the day is not a double, or that of a Sunday, or a day on which it is prohibited to be of a double feast.
  2. private Mass (Mass with no congregation present or communicating)



First-declension noun with a first-declension adjective.

Case Singular Plural
Nominative missa prīvāta missae prīvātae
Genitive missae prīvātae missārum prīvātārum
Dative missae prīvātae missīs prīvātīs
Accusative missam prīvātam missās prīvātās
Ablative missā prīvātā missīs prīvātīs
Vocative missa prīvāta missae prīvātae