






  1. Alternative form of nagriskapusta
    • 1937, V. A. Tetjurev, translated by N. J. Molotsova, Loonnontiito oppikirja alkușkoulua vart (toin osa), Leningrad: Riikin Ucebno-Pedagogiceskoi Izdateljstva, page 20:
      Nagreskapussalle, kumpaa veel kutsutaa kolrabiks, kasvaa vaa ympyrkäin, lihakas kotsena, kumpa voittiijaa nagrehen, lantun tali turnuksen juuree, mut itse assiaas tämä kotsena ei oo juuri, a ono paksuntunt vars, kumpa ain ono maan pääl.
      On the turnip cabbage, which is also called kohlrabi, grows a round, meaty cabbage stalk, which resembles a root of the turnip, swede or fodder turnip, but in reality this stalk isn't a root, but a thickened stem, which is always on the ground.


Declension of nagreskapusta (type 3/kana, st-ss gradation)
singular plural
nominative nagreskapusta nagreskapussat
genitive nagreskapussan nagreskapustoin
partitive nagreskapustaa nagreskapustoja
illative nagreskapustaa nagreskapustoihe
inessive nagreskapussaas nagreskapussois
elative nagreskapussast nagreskapussoist
allative nagreskapussalle nagreskapussoille
adessive nagreskapussaal nagreskapussoil
ablative nagreskapussalt nagreskapussoilt
translative nagreskapussaks nagreskapussoiks
essive nagreskapustanna, nagreskapustaan nagreskapustoinna, nagreskapustoin
exessive1) nagreskapustant nagreskapustoint
1) obsolete
*) the accusative corresponds with either the genitive (sg) or nominative (pl)
**) the comitative is formed by adding the suffix -ka? or -kä? to the genitive.