
English Wikipedia has an article on:

Alternative forms




neti neti

  1. (Hinduism) In Vedic and subsequent Hindu philosophy, the doctrine of "not this, not that", which holds that Brahman (the Supreme Being, God) has absolutely no specific characteristics and cannot be described in positive terms.
    • 1970, Rohit Mehta, The Call of the Upanishads (1999 edition), →ISBN, p. 257 (quoting the Upanishadic figure, Ajatasatru of Kasi):
      And so: The indication of Brahman is Neti, Neti — Not this, Not this, for beyond saying Neti, Neti, there is nothing else possible — for It is Truth beyond Truth
    • 2004 July 20, Michael Ordona, “Going to the mat for Kerry”, in Los Angeles Times, retrieved 22 October 2019:
      The multiethnic crowd wore gym clothes, traditional Indian garb and a few political T-shirts. [] [M]ost said they were drawn by the mix of yoga and politics — and a chance to say neti-neti to President Bush.
    • 2014 September 3, Vithal C Nadkarni, “Of Angels & Crocodiles”, in India Times, The Economic Times, retrieved 22 October 2019:
      [T]he Brihadaranyaka Upanishad uses negatives to describe God: "The Divine is not this and it’s not that (Neti, neti)," Sage Yajnyavalkya tells his students.