ngậm máu phun người, trước dơ miệng mình

Vietnamese edit

Etymology edit

A literal translation of Chinese 含血噴人,先汙其口含血喷人,先污其口 (since the Song Dynasty), "spurting from a bloody mouth (i.e. to venomously slander someone) makes one's mouth dirty first". Compare Chinese 血口噴人血口喷人 (xuèkǒupēnrén).

Pronunciation edit

  • (Hà Nội) IPA(key): [ŋəm˧˨ʔ maw˧˦ fun˧˧ ŋɨəj˨˩ t͡ɕɨək̚˧˦ zəː˧˧ miəŋ˧˨ʔ mïŋ˨˩]
  • (Huế) IPA(key): [ŋəm˨˩ʔ maw˨˩˦ fun˧˧ ŋɨj˦˩ ʈɨək̚˦˧˥ jəː˧˧ miəŋ˨˩ʔ mɨn˦˩]
  • (Hồ Chí Minh City) IPA(key): [ŋəm˨˩˨ ma(ː)w˦˥ fʊwŋ͡m˧˧ ŋɨj˨˩ ʈɨək̚˦˥ jəː˧˧ miəŋ˨˩˨ mɨn˨˩]

Idiom edit

ngậm máu phun người, trước miệng mình

  1. Curses are like young chickens, they always come home to roost.

Synonyms edit