



From Old Galician-Portuguese nojoso (13th century, Cantigas de Santa Maria). By surface analysis, noxo +‎ -oso.





noxoso (feminine noxosa, masculine plural noxosos, feminine plural noxosas)

  1. disgusting
    Synonym: noxento
  2. annoying; unpleasant; tiring; awkward
    Synonyms: fastidioso, molesto
    • 1884, O Tío Marcos da Portela, II, 23:
      O zapateiro escomenzou a mirá-lo fito a fito, mirou dempois canto tiña ó seu redor, atentouse a roupa, levou a mau á testa como si nela tivese unha lousa de promo, e quedouse atontecido, non atinando a darse conta do que lle pasaba. O guardián atallando aquel noxoso silencio, escramou con voz grave como a do xuez cando pergunta a un reo: — Doime o corazón ó vé-lo, irmao, nese estado; pola honra da crase a que pertenece debera ser máis parco na bebida.
      The shoemaker stared at him, high and low; he later examined his surroundings, fumbled his clothes, raised his hand to the forehead, as if he had a slab of lead there, and then stood stunned, incapable of finding what was happening to him. The warder, breaking that awkward silence, exclaimed with a deep voice, as a judge questioning a defendant: "It breaks my heart to see you like that, brother. For the honour of the class you belong to, you should be more sparing with drinks."
  3. finicky
    Synonym: repugnante

