See also: posttruth


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Alternative forms




From post- +‎ truth.





post-truth (not comparable)

  1. (chiefly politics, media) Beyond or superseding the importance of truth; pertaining to an era or situation when truth is no longer significant, relevant, or expected; (usually derogatory) not caring about factual accuracy.
    • 1989, The Month, page 281:
      He is, he claims, post-God, post-reality, post-truth, post-meaning, post- history, post-world, post-Western []
    • 1995, Collegium Antropologicum, volume 19, page 20:
      Victims or exiles should not repeat any longer what everybody already knows in the new 'post-truth' world order – that they are among numerous contemporary victims of war crimes and military violence []
    • 2001, John Beynon, Masculinities And Culture, →ISBN:
      Clearly quite a lot of journalism is post-truth . . . More important, perhaps, is journalism's post-truth tendency . . . to make no propositions for which there is a possible 'true/false' response.
    • 2001, Roy Ascott, Reframing consciousness: art, mind and technology, page 293:
      In the post-truth world, the people are saturated by a plurality of discourses that are struggling for the consent of the audience, the difference being that the explosion of messages that characterises modernity is no longer stamped with the 'authority' of their authors.
    • 2003, Craig Detweiler, Barry Taylor, A Matrix of Meanings (Engaging Culture): Finding God in Pop Culture, →ISBN, page 2003:
      In Christianity Today, columnist Charles Colson bemoaned our “post-truth society,” which produces liars such as Tawana Brawley, David Brock, and Stephen Ambrose.
    • 2021 February 2, Katharine Murphy, “Scott Morrison must heed the lesson of Donald Trump and slap down Craig Kelly”, in The Guardian[1]:
      Avoiding a cacophony is a worthy objective, because Australia has managed to largely sidestep the post-truth hellscape the US has endured during the pandemic because politicians, by and large, have chosen to inhabit a universe of shared facts and common messages.





post-truth (uncountable)

  1. The fact or state of being post-truth; a time period or situation in which facts have become less important than emotional persuasion.
    • 2016 September 10, “Art of the Lie”, in The Economist[2]:
      Post-truth has also been abetted by the evolution of the media.



See also
