
Japanese edit

Kanji in this term
Grade: S

Grade: S
Alternative spelling

Etymology edit

Compound of () (o-, honorific prefix) + (じゃ)() (jama, nuisance, bother) + します (shimasu, formal of する (suru), “to do”).

Phrase edit

(じゃ)()します (o-jama shimasu

  1. hello, sorry for any trouble

Usage notes edit

Said upon arrival when visiting someone's place. Literally means “I'm being a bother,” “I'm bothering you,” in recognition of the likelihood that the visit puts some burden on the visitee, such as taking up their time.

At the end of the visit, upon departing, the visitor may say (じゃ)()しました (o-jama shimashita), “I've been a bother” → “thank you for your time.”