
Variant orthographies
ALIV ö'sa
Brazilian standard ä'sa
New Tribes ä'sa
historical ad hoc asa





ö'sa (possessed ö'sadü or e'sadü)

  1. the circular outer area of a village roundhouse (öttö), divided into rooms or compartments that each house an individual extended family
  2. room of a building
  3. (in modern, more dispersed villages) house, home, or the collection of houses surrounding the öttö


  • Cáceres, Natalia (2011) “ö'sa”, in Grammaire Fonctionnelle-Typologique du Ye’kwana[1], Lyon
  • Hall, Katherine Lee (1988) The morphosyntax of discourse in De'kwana Carib, volumes I and II, Saint Louis, Missouri: PhD Thesis, Washington University, pages 226, 289, 397:[ë'sa] 'room' [] ö'sa 'room, salon' [] ö'sa 'room' [] ö'sa -e:'sa -dü 'room' [] ö'sa - room, assembly room ¶ ö'saka - to the house, at the house
  • Hall, Katherine (2007) “əʔsa”, in Mary Ritchie Key & Bernard Comrie, editors, The Intercontinental Dictionary Series[2], Leipzig: Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology, published 2021
  • Guss, David M. (1989) To Weave and Sing: Art, Symbol, and Narrative in the South American Rain Forest, Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press, →ISBN, pages 25–26, 32:asa
  • Monterrey, Nalúa Rosa Silva (2012) Hombres de curiara y mujeres de conuco. Etnografía de los indigenas Ye’kwana de Venezuela, Ciudad Bolívar: Universidad Nacional Experimental de Guayana, pages 49–50:ösa