Old Church Slavonic edit

Verb edit

велѣти (velětiimpf

  1. command, order
    • from the Homily against the Bogumils, 1333-1334:
      иже намъ бъхъма не велѧтъ въкоусити мѧсъ ни вина, скврьнаво творѧще.
      iže namŭ bŭxŭma ne velętŭ vŭkusiti męsŭ ni vina, skvrĭnavo tvoręšte.
      who totally forbid us to touch meat or wine, which they treat as impure.
    • from the Homily against the Bogumils, 1794-1796:
      бо би велѣлъ богъ не дѣлати чловѣкомъ, то бꙑлиѥ жито би раждало и лѣсъ грозниѥ.
      bo bi velělŭ bogŭ ne dělati člověkomŭ, to bylije žito bi raždalo i lěsŭ groznije.
      If God had ordered men not to work, plants would grow grain and woods grapes.
  2. wish

Conjugation edit

References edit

  • Бояджиев, Андрей (2016) Старобългарска читанка[1], София