Old Armenian




From Proto-Indo-European *(s)pewd-to-, from *spewd-. Cognates include Ancient Greek σπουδή (spoudḗ, haste, speed), σπεύδω (speúdō, hasten), Albanian punë (job, labor), Welsh ffwdan (fuss), Lithuanian spáusti (to press) and Latin pudet.



փոյթ (pʻoytʻ)

  1. care, solicitude, study, attention, entreaty; diligence, promptitude, activity, celerity, hast, hurry
    փոյթ պնդութեանpʻoytʻ pndutʻeaneagerness, assiduity, interest, care
    փութոյ պնդութեամբpʻutʻoy pndutʻeambeagerly, carefully, earnestly, ardently, passionately
    փոյթ առնել, ունել, դնել, փոյթ ի մէջ առնուլ, փոյթ յանձին ունելpʻoytʻ aṙnel, unel, dnel, pʻoytʻ i mēǰ aṙnul, pʻoytʻ yanjin unelto be or zealous about, to apply oneself with diligence to, to take to heart, to be warm about, to endeavour or strive to
    փոյթ տանելpʻoytʻ tanelto take care of, to care, to solicit, to watch
    փոյթ ի մէջ առեալpʻoytʻ i mēǰ aṙealseriously, earnestly
    մեզ չէ փոյթmez čʻē pʻoytʻthat is no matter to us, what is that to us?
    չէ փոյթ, չէ ինչ փոյթčʻē pʻoytʻ, čʻē inčʻ pʻoytʻno matter, never mind, it is nothing
    ոչ զի զաղքատաց ինչ փոյթ էր նմաočʻ zi załkʻatacʻ inčʻ pʻoytʻ ēr nmanot that he cared for the poor
    փոյթ մեծ էր նորա այսմpʻoytʻ mec ēr nora aysmhe took great care of that
    ոչ փոյթ ինչ առնեմočʻ pʻoytʻ inčʻ aṙnemI don't care, it is no matter to me
    ամենայն փոյթ նոցաamenayn pʻoytʻ nocʻaall their care, effort or thought
    զի՞ փոյթ էzi? pʻoytʻ ēwhat does that matter? what does it signify? what of that?
    զի՞ փոյթ է քեզzi? pʻoytʻ ē kʻezwhat is that to you? what does it matter to you?
    զի՞ փոյթ է ինձzi? pʻoytʻ ē injwhat does it concern me? what does it matter to me? nonsense!
    չէ փոյթ ինձčʻē pʻoytʻ injit is no matter to me, it is all the same to me, I don't care about it, I am indifferent about it
    փոյթ ինչ չառնէրpʻoytʻ inčʻ čʻaṙnērhe did not take it into account, he took no heed of it
    չառնեն ինչ փոյթ զիմեքէčʻaṙnen inčʻ pʻoytʻ zimekʻēthey care for nothing





փոյթ (pʻoytʻ)

  1. active, diligent, careful, prompt, vigilant, assiduous





փոյթ (pʻoytʻ)

  1. diligently, soon, promptly, hastily
    ընդ փոյթ, փոյթ ընդ փոյթ, փոյթ փոյթ, փոյթ ի փութոյənd pʻoytʻ, pʻoytʻ ənd pʻoytʻ, pʻoytʻ pʻoytʻ, pʻoytʻ i pʻutʻoydiligently, soon, promptly, hastily
    վաղ ընդ փոյթvał ənd pʻoytʻsoon, quick; forthwith, directly

Derived terms



  • Armenian: փույթ (pʻuytʻ)


  • Petrosean, Matatʻeay (1879) “փոյթ”, in Nor Baṙagirkʻ Hay-Angliarēn [New Dictionary Armenian–English], Venice: S. Lazarus Armenian Academy
  • Awetikʻean, G., Siwrmēlean, X., Awgerean, M. (1836–1837) “փոյթ”, in Nor baṙgirkʻ haykazean lezui [New Dictionary of the Armenian Language] (in Old Armenian), Venice: S. Lazarus Armenian Academy
  • Ačaṙean, Hračʻeay (1971–1979) “փոյթ”, in Hayerēn armatakan baṙaran [Armenian Etymological Dictionary] (in Armenian), 2nd edition, a reprint of the original 1926–1935 seven-volume edition, Yerevan: University Press
  • Matasović, Ranko (2009) A Grammatical Sketch of Classical Armenian[1], Zagreb, page 11