See also: がいちょう

Japanese edit

For pronunciation and definitions of かいちょう – see the following entries.
[noun] (of a committee, company, society, etc.) a chairman; a president
[adjective] good condition
[noun] good condition
[noun] (anatomy) ileum
[noun] (Buddhism) kaichō
[noun] (by extension, informal) exposing something that is normally hidden
[noun] opening a gambling parlour
[verb] This term needs a translation to English.
[verb] (by extension, informal) to expose something that is normally hidden
[verb] to open a gambling parlour
(This term, かいちょう, is the hiragana spelling of the above terms.)

(The following entries are uncreated: 怪鳥, 階調, 開庁, 諧調, 開張.)