Chinese edit

big; large; great light; ray; bright
just (right); main; upright
just (right); main; upright; straight; correct; principle; Chinese 1st month of year
trad. (偉光正)
simp. (伟光正)

Etymology edit

Abbrieviation of the phrase 偉大光榮正確 (“great, glorious and correct”), which is used in the following slogan in CCP propaganda:

偉大光榮正確中國共產黨萬歲 [MSC, trad.]
伟大光荣正确中国共产党万岁 [MSC, simp.]
Wěidà de, guāngróng de, zhèngquè de Zhōngguó Gòngchǎndǎng wànsuì! [Pinyin]
Long live the great, glorious and correct Communist Party of China!

Pronunciation edit

Adjective edit


  1. (chiefly sarcastic) morally perfect; saintlike