
Kanji in this term

Grade: 1

Grade: 1





()() (mirume

  1. prying eyes; people who may be watching
    josei ga josei o mirume
    women keeping an eye on other women
  2. the quality of being perceptive, observant
    E o mirume ga aru.
    She has an eye for paintings.
    • 2000, Ōguri Dōei, Zusetsu Mikkyō nyūmon [Introduction to esoteric Buddhism], page 161:
      Ningen wa, soto o mirume to jibun no naishin o mirume, kono futatsu no me o motteimasu.
      People have two types of vision, the ability to see what is outside and the potential to look within their own hearts.
  3. appearance, look
    • 1961 [1932], Tatsunokuchi Naotaro, Ningenteki yōso, translation of The Human Element by W. Somerset Maugham:
      Kanojo ga ongaku to wakai shitai no ugoki o muchū de tanoshindeiru koto wa, sore hodo mirume ni akiraka datta.
      It was clearly apparent that she was enjoying the music from the way she moved her young limbs, as though in a dream.