



Blend of ape +‎ Atlanta.

Proper noun


Apelanta (uncountable)

  1. (derogatory, slang, ethnic slur) Atlanta, with reference to its African-American population.
    • 2003 August 24, Work Work Work, “With negro friends like these....”, in soc.culture.african.american[1] (Usenet):
      A few months ago here in Apelanta a similar incident occurred when a lowlife
      'boo jumped up and shot to death 4 of his longtime friends during an
      argument over a basketball game.
    • 2004 February 19, Bull Connor, “Tourism in Atlanta area”, in alt.atlanta[2] (Usenet):
      Remember, there are quite a lot of dumb, violent negroes here in Apelanta (a
      murder a day). Stay as far away from the stupid beasts as possible.
    • 2005 November 1, I. M. White, “Re: New Orleans Police Department Fire 51 Cops for Desertion”, in uk.politics.guns[3] (Usenet):
      30 years of living in apelanta will open the eyes of even the most staunch
    • 2006 October 9, abc, “Re: FLASH: North Korea Claims Test of Nuclear Weapon”, in soc.culture.african.american[4] (Usenet):
      What a waste of a perfectly good nuke.
      They should have at least taken out Detroit or Apelanta.
      Either that or they should have fileld[sic] that underground testing space
      with niggers first.
    • 2007 October 20, \/\/0RD@trwe.nug, “Re: Darwinism Showing Its True Face: "Black People Are Less Intelligent Than Whites" Claims One Of The World's Most Eminent Darwinists”, in talk.atheism[5] (Usenet):
      When Somalian dunecoons learned that their blue-gummed Bantu slaves
      were too stupid to be productive, they dumped the useless critters
      onto the laps of Clitonista "Diversity" nitwits. These dippy shits
      brought a whole tribe of the Africoon savages to Apelanta thinking
      that all niggers were the same species and would blend into the local
    • 2017 November 24, Byker, “Re: ANOTHER Detroit!!!”, in alt.law-enforcement[6] (Usenet):
      Watch out for "slippery slope" martial law. First Baltimorgue, then
      Shitcago, Apelanta, Detoilet, Milwaukee, Ferguson, and Los Angeles? Where
      will it stop? Probably after all the shit-colored apes have been liquidated.

See also
