Appendix:Snowclones/X are born, not made





X are born, not made

  1. (snowclone) It is no use to tell someone to do a profession that someone already shown that he or she cannot do, even with great persuasion or force.
    Often leaders are born, not made.
    • 2004, Theodore R. Sizer, Horace's Compromise: The Dilemma of the American High School, →ISBN:
      Teachers are born, not made, the truism goes. Likewise, great writers are born, not made, yet rigorous training at the craft of writing is part of their make-up.
    • 2012, Michael J. Farlow, Leaders are Made Not Born: 40 Simple Skills to Make You the Leader, →ISBN:
      Not so many years ago, a CEO I was working with told me with great certainty that leaders are born, not made—that, in some fashion, they are "hardwired" with the basic skills to lead and lead effectively.
    • 2013, Terry S Trepper, Charles E Campbell, Mark O'Dell, The Practical Practice of Marriage and Family Therapy, →ISBN:
      Therapists are born, not made. That statement may strike you as surprising, curious, or perhaps even offensive, especially if you have spent several years and no small sum of money to earn the formal training and credentials needed to become a qualified clinical professional.
    • 2017 August 6, Marketing Weekly:
      The second challenge in talking about marketing leadership is the persistent view that marketing leaders are born, not made.



See also
