See also: bimana





New Latin, bi- +‎ Latin manus (hand), formed as a neuter plural

Proper noun



  1. (obsolete) A taxonomic division within the order Primates – comprising Homo sapiens.
    • 1871, Charles Darwin, Descent of Man (in English):
      The greater number of naturalists who have taken into consideration the whole structure of man, including his mental faculties, have followed Blumenbach and Cuvier, and have placed man in a separate Order, under the title of the Bimana, and therefore on an equality with the orders of the Quadrumana, Carnivora, &c.
    • 1886, Pamphlets in the Tonga language, "Koe Hisitolia o Natula", page 58:
      Oku faa vahe ae kalasi huhu kihe faahiga e hiva, o behe:—
      1. Koe manu nima ua (Bimana)
      There are nine things like parts called the classes which have breasts, like so:—
      1. The animals with two hands (Bimana)

Coordinate terms
