

Alternative forms

  • CThEF (during the reign of a king)


  • IPA(key): /ˈɛk.θɛm/, /kᵊθɛm/

Proper noun



  1. (during the reign of a queen) Acronym of Cyllid a Thollau Ei Mawrhydi (Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs): HMRC.
    Synonym: Cyllid a Thollau EM
    • 2013 December, (nominally) The Rt Hon. David Jones MP, Secretary of State for Wales, Mesur Cymru drafft [Draft Wales Bill], Cm 8773, London: The Stationery Office, →ISBN, nodiad esboniadol 41 [explanatory note 41], page 79:
      Mae cymal 7 yn diwygio Deddf Comisiynwyr Cyllid a Thollau 2005 (“DCCTh 2005”) a Deddf Rheoli Tollau Tramor a Chartref 1979 i alluogi Cyllid a Thollau Ei Mawrhydi (“CThEM”) i ddatgelu gwybodaeth i Weinidogion Cymru am drethi datganoledig; i wneud gwybodaeth o’r fath yn gyfrinachol ac yn destun rheolaeth ar ddatgelu o hynny ymlaen; ac i sicrhau na fydd trethi datganoledig o’r fath yn swyddogaeth nac yn fater wedi’i neilltuo (“assigned matter”) i CThEM, ond yn parhau’n fater i Weinidogion Cymru, gan adael cyfle i CThEM weinyddu’r trethi hyn ar ran Gweinidogion Cymru os ydynt yn dymuno hynny.
      Clause 7 amends the Commissioners for Revenue and Customs Act 2005 (“CRCA 2005”) and the Customs and Excise Management Act 1979 to enable Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs (“HMRC”) to disclose information to Welsh Ministers regarding devolved taxes; to make such information confidential and subject to onward disclosure controls; and to ensure that such devolved taxes are neither a function nor an “assigned matter” of HMRC, but remain a matter for Welsh Ministers, while leaving scope for HMRC to administer these taxes on behalf of Welsh Ministers if desired.
    • 〃, nodiad esboniadol 75 [explanatory note 75], page 84:
      Mae adran 116I(4) yn darparu bod y RhAC yn cael arfer disgresiwn i gynnwys dadansoddiad yn yr adroddiad ynghylch a yw CThEM yn defnyddio ei adnoddau’n effeithiol, yn effeithlon ac yn ddarbodus wrth weinyddu’r gyfradd Gymreig.
      Section 116I(4) provides that the C&AG has the discretion to include in the report an analysis of whether HMRC is using its resources in administering the Welsh rate in an effective, efficient and economic manner.


Welsh mutation
radical soft nasal aspirate
Note: Some of these forms may be hypothetical. Not every possible mutated form of every word actually occurs.