See also: fac and faç

English edit

Noun edit

FAC (plural FACs)

  1. (military, aviation) Initialism of Forward Air Control.
  2. Initialism of flow-accelerated corrosion.
  3. Initialism of flow-assisted corrosion.
  4. Initialism of Fellow of the Atlantic Council.
  5. Initialism of Fatal accident control.

Anagrams edit

French edit

Proper noun edit

FAC f pl (plural only)

  1. (Canada, military) Abbreviation of Forces armées canadiennes: CAF (Canadian Armed Forces)
    Synonym: FC (Forces canadiennes)
  2. (Canada, military, aviation) Abbreviation of Force aérienne du Canada: CAF (Canadian Air Force)
    Synonym: ARC (Aviation royale canadienne)
    Hypernyms: FAC (Forces armées canadiennes), FC (Forces canadiennes)
  3. (algebraic geometry) Initialism of Faisceaux Algébriques Cohérents (a landmark paper by Jean-Pierre Serre)

Spanish edit

Proper noun edit


  1. (military, aviation) Abbreviation of Fuerza Aérea Colombiana: the Colombian Air Force