



Blend of Obama +‎ communism.

Proper noun



  1. (neologism, derogatory) The economic or political policies of the Obama administration, viewed as socialism, communism, or government overreach.
    • 2010, Chris Horner, Power Grab: How Obama's Green Policies Will Steal Your Freedom and Bankrupt America[1], page 142:
      Both are interesting choices as poster children for corporate American promoters of Obamunism.
    • 2010, Naomi Oreskes, Erik M. Conway, Merchants of Doubt: How a Handful of Scientists Obscured the Truth on Issues from Tobacco Smoke to Global Warming[2], page 253:
      More recently, Patrick Michaels, a longtime critic of climate science and policy scholar at the Cato Institute, criticized plans for a cap and trade system to control greenhouse gases as “Obamunism.”
    • 2013, Jay Kennedy, "Bush admin. had nothing to do with 'fast & furious', look it up" (letter to the editor), The Laconia Daily Star (Laconia, NH), 14 May 2013, page 5:
      It's amusing to listen to the moonbats continue to blame Bush for everything wrong now in the second term of Obamunism.