
Documentation for Template:scn-conj-ari. [edit]
This page contains usage information, categories, interwiki links and other content describing the template.

This is a template for the conjugation of standard -ari verbs in Sicilian. Use this template in the ====Conjugation==== section of regular Sicilian verbs in -ari.

The standard parameter format for this template uses 2 parameters, with an optional 3-parameter or 4 parameter format for regular vowel changes in the stem:

  • No vowel change in stem:
    1. stem (e.g. am for amari)
    2. accented stem (e.g. àm for amari)
  • Vowel change in stem
    1. stem (e.g. purt for purtari)
    2. stem with vowel change (e.g. port for purtari)
    3. accented stem with vowel change (e.g. pòrt for purtari)
  • I-stem verbs (e.g. studiari, canciari, manciari) repeat basic stem (with -i ending) in optional 4th parameter
    1. stem (e.g. studi for studiari)
    2. -
    3. -
    4. stem (e.g. studi for studiari)

For irregular -ari verbs, see the documentation at Template:scn-conj/documentation for the names of parameters that may be overwritten.

Example usage

  • {{scn-conj-ari|am|àm}} generates:
  • {{scn-conj-ari|purt|port|pòrt}} generates:
  • {{scn-conj-ari|studi|stùdi||studi}} generates: