Estonian noun declension templates

Estonian noun declension templates

Hello, 2 types have mistakes in them: "seminar", and "ase". I don't know how to fix them, since from what I can tell you have overwritten these templates with "invoke:et-nominals|show|seminar}}{{documentation". Just looking for some clarification. Strombones (talk) 17:28, 14 August 2016 (UTC)

Strombones (talk)17:28, 14 August 2016

The Estonian templates are kind of in a half-finished state. There is really a lot that can be improved, especially for, say, words that allow more than one possible partitive form.

CodeCat17:31, 14 August 2016

Ok, but is there a way to fix those 2 aforementioned templates?

Strombones (talk)18:08, 14 August 2016

In the module, yes.

CodeCat18:49, 14 August 2016

Sorry, what module? I apologise, I'm just a beginner.

Strombones (talk)18:59, 14 August 2016
CodeCat19:08, 14 August 2016

Thanks a lot :) I think I figured it out.

Strombones (talk)19:38, 14 August 2016