Extension Variables

Extension Variables

Hi CodeCat,

I saw you started a vote on installing the Variables extension. Does it mean the extension would indeed be installed if the proposal passes? We had some talks about this extensions on Czech Wiktionary some time ago (it would greatly help us too), but one editor stopped the discussion with a claim that "this extension would never be allowed on WM wikis because it would break the new parser"). Is this claim true or not? Is there a possiblity this extension could be installed on a WM wiki in some near future? If so, we'd probably want it on Czech Wiktionary too.

Auvajs (talk)18:39, 22 January 2016

It looks like we will indeed not be able to get the extension, so in a way the vote is moot. However, my hope is that it will spur on a request that can get filled by something else that can do the same function (along the lines of what Tim Starling said in the GP).

Μετάknowledgediscuss/deeds22:14, 22 January 2016

At the very least, the vote shows that there is a desire and consensus for some kind of thing that does this.

CodeCat22:27, 22 January 2016