Importing Macedonian Adverbs

Importing Macedonian Adverbs

In Macedonian, like in most other languages, most adverbs are simply derived forms of adjectives. Specifically, their form is identical to the neuter form of the adjective in question. Thus, "добар" yields "добро" ("good", indefinite neuter singular adjective) and "добро" ("well", adverb). Bearing this in mind, should we have a mass import of adverbs from neuter adjectives forms generated with a bot, or should I enter them individually? The bot would produce correct entries, but I'm afraid that if the only thing written for each entry is "adverbial form of 'XXX'", visitors to Wiktionary won't grasp the full meaning of the adverb in question. What do you think? If this is not enough, is it possible for me to enter individual adverbs and write out definitions and then have a bot generate automatic adverbs from all the remaining ones that I haven't covered already? Does a bot know how to make this discrimination? Anyway, if the bot generates something automatically that I would have rather written out personally, I can always overwrite its entry, I presume.

Martin123xyz (talk)18:44, 4 July 2014

I think that if the average learner of Macedonian will know that neuter adjectives can be used as adverbs, then there is no need to create a separate "adverb" section for them. We can just create an adjective form entry. The situation of Macedonian is actually very similar to how it is in the Scandinavian languages like Swedish, where the neuter singular form can always be used as an adverb. But I don't know how we do it for those languages; presumably we don't have entries for all the adverb forms there either. Similarly, in Dutch all adjectives are also adverbs, but in Dutch it's the basic form with no ending that's used as the adverb, and we only create one heading rather than two (this practice is documented on Wiktionary:About Dutch). See groot for how we handle it in inflection tables.

CodeCat18:52, 4 July 2014

All right, let's go with the adjective form entries. However, if I do create some individual adverb entries for the most common adjectival adverbs such as "сигурно" (surely, certainly) or "порано" (earlier), will this interfere with automatic bot entries later on? I don't want to preclude the possibility of a bot in advance this way. However, if the bot won't be adversely affected, I would like to add some of these basic adverbs soon.

Martin123xyz (talk)19:16, 4 July 2014

The Dutch policy is to add adverb entries if the adverb has a different meaning, which is not predictable from the meaning of the adjective. I think that would apply to this case too.

CodeCat19:18, 4 July 2014

Fine. I suppose I could still add examples of usage in the adjective form entries even though they are only forms. That would elucidate the relevant adverbs better. All in all, I think that in at least some cases, this really should be done for specificity purposes, because even when the meaning of the adverb is derived from that of the adjective, a specific nuance may need clarification, For example, "truly" matches the meaning of "true", but not by 100%. Anyway, such additions would also make learners more confident. I know how important it is for me to know that I have learned words like "earlier", "later", "intentionally", "accidentally" etc. properly whenever I learn some foreign language, and having examples provided really helps in that.

Martin123xyz (talk)19:30, 4 July 2014