Importing Macedonian Adverbs

Fragment of a discussion from User talk:Rua

All right, let's go with the adjective form entries. However, if I do create some individual adverb entries for the most common adjectival adverbs such as "сигурно" (surely, certainly) or "порано" (earlier), will this interfere with automatic bot entries later on? I don't want to preclude the possibility of a bot in advance this way. However, if the bot won't be adversely affected, I would like to add some of these basic adverbs soon.

Martin123xyz (talk)19:16, 4 July 2014

The Dutch policy is to add adverb entries if the adverb has a different meaning, which is not predictable from the meaning of the adjective. I think that would apply to this case too.

CodeCat19:18, 4 July 2014

Fine. I suppose I could still add examples of usage in the adjective form entries even though they are only forms. That would elucidate the relevant adverbs better. All in all, I think that in at least some cases, this really should be done for specificity purposes, because even when the meaning of the adverb is derived from that of the adjective, a specific nuance may need clarification, For example, "truly" matches the meaning of "true", but not by 100%. Anyway, such additions would also make learners more confident. I know how important it is for me to know that I have learned words like "earlier", "later", "intentionally", "accidentally" etc. properly whenever I learn some foreign language, and having examples provided really helps in that.

Martin123xyz (talk)19:30, 4 July 2014