Latvian color terms

Fragment of a discussion from User talk:Rua

But it seems to me all list templates should be made to look more like Wiktionary. Why should there be something here that looks so different? Of course, I could change things manually for Latvian templates, but I'd rather not, exactly for the reasons you mention. Isn't it in the interest of Wiktionary consistency to make things look more similar? (I've occasoinnally seen outside of Wiktionary negative comments on the various formats for inflection tables here.)

Pereru (talk)17:33, 18 January 2013

It is better to be consistent, but also harder because it means we have to get everyone to agree on something. I'm not sure if my talk page is the right place to discuss it, though.

CodeCat17:35, 18 January 2013

Indeed. Where should it be discussed then? The Beer Parlor? Should I start a thread there? Where are matters pertaining to the list templates being curreently discussed / done?

Pereru (talk)17:37, 18 January 2013

Beer Parlour would be best, yes.

CodeCat17:37, 18 January 2013

OK -- I'll open a thread there now. Thanks for the input.

Pereru (talk)17:44, 18 January 2013