More votes

I'm thinking about a couple more votes that you might be interested in: making Tabbed Languages default (for anons and LIUs), and making Lupin's popups default (ditto). I'd like to hear what you think about both of them, mostly whether you'd support them, if you have any reservations, and specifically how they would be enacted were the votes to pass. Thanks!

--Μετάknowledgediscuss/deeds02:57, 13 August 2012

I would support making tabbed languages default, but what are Lupin's popups?

CodeCat10:45, 13 August 2012

"Navigation popups, page previews and editing functions popup when hovering over links", in the Gadgets section of WT:PREFS.

--Μετάknowledgediscuss/deeds15:54, 13 August 2012

Hello? Anyone there?

--Μετάknowledgediscuss/deeds01:40, 15 August 2012

Sorry but I really haven't heard of them so I can't say much about them. If you want to make a vote about them that is fine with me, though, but I would have to abstain.

CodeCat01:41, 15 August 2012

OK. (But I can't imagine how you do anything around here, especially patrolling, without them.)

--Μετάknowledgediscuss/deeds01:50, 15 August 2012

Well, somehow I manage...

CodeCat10:28, 15 August 2012