Proto-Germanic reflex

Fragment of a discussion from User talk:Rua

Would the -u- have come from the syllabic r?

Jackwolfroven (talk)02:21, 4 August 2013

Yes. That's why the -i must have been attached later. If it had been there in the original form, *fri- would have resulted because the syllabic r would become consonantal next to a vowel. Compare *fra-.

CodeCat11:11, 4 August 2013

Ah, okay. Now I'm remembering a PIE word *pr̥h₃. Is this correct? What part of speech is it reconstructed to be?

Jackwolfroven (talk)17:41, 6 August 2013

I don't know, but it would become *fur in Germanic.

CodeCat17:42, 6 August 2013

Ok, thanks.

Jackwolfroven (talk)17:43, 6 August 2013