Recent Romanian translations

Recent Romanian translations


Just want to give you a heads-up, since you wrote on Baican XXX's discussion page, that quite a few of his translations are incorrect. E.g. gândibil isn't attested in any Romanian dictionary and sânteți was never the correct spelling of sunteți. He has a long history of making up words and quite honestly I gave up trying to have a meaningful discussion with him a long time ago. I've blocked him from Romanian Wiktionary before and he has recently been blocked from Romanian Wikipedia for doing the same thing and then some. I'll try to keep up with his contributions, but he has a tendency of adding so much bulk that it gets hard to keep up with him. Happy Easter!

Robbie SWE (talk)17:26, 18 April 2014

You should probably raise this on the Beer Parlour.

CodeCat17:45, 18 April 2014

Thanks! I'll raise the question there.

Robbie SWE (talk)17:54, 18 April 2014