Russian verbs type 3, test module

Fragment of a discussion from User talk:Rua

It's not that I am not happy to work on this generally, it's just right now, this moment. I have been having a very hard few days with a lot of stress and it's weighing on me. And I guess I also feel pressured because I feel a responsibility to help you and guide you with Lua. It's partly because you're not really fully aware of its capabilities so you might be doing things that are not necessary, and I feel a need to do things "right". I am kind of a perfectionist...

CodeCat00:40, 15 April 2013

I won't do it too fast and will try to document what I do. I've got other commitments and interests, of course. I'm sure, you'll be able to quickly fix if I do something wrong or inefficiently. Also, the most important is the result - the conjugation tables. If your solution gives the same result as mine and more efficiently, then your solution is better. Also, because I'll probably have to maintain and fix the module in the future, possibly train someone and document what it does and how, add new functions, it's important that I, whoever does it, knows the module well.

At the moment, I will just concentrate on the varieties of type 3 - I also think you wouldn't enjoy this part. The reference book, ru:wiki, and online references show a bit contradictory info on this type of verbs, so I'll have to decide on some verbs individually. Will think about two exceptions later. It'll be more fun when I start working with interchange of consonants.

Wishing you to resolve all your current problems and come back recharged. You don't have to answer if you're busy.

Anatoli (обсудить/вклад)01:10, 15 April 2013