Sami/Finnic correspondences

Sami/Finnic correspondences

Proto-Samic is absolutely full of Proto-Finnic (and later) loanwords. It is a good idea to not assert two similar words as cognates unless you know the further etymology, or exact references.

You can mostly check this thru the Álgu database… but you'll have to know the notation. So for example on the entry for *ājkē, you will note the type of arrow to Finnish is "!<". This does not mean "not loaned from", it means "possibly loaned from, yet in contradiction to another source".

In this particular case, given that

  1. in inherited Uralic vocabulary *a is reflected as Samic *uo
  2. the Finnic word has been explained as a Germanic or Indo-Iranian loan

loaning seems to be the better explanation.

Tropylium (talk)23:45, 8 November 2014

I used "cognate" precisely because I didn't want to commit to anything either way. It means a word is from the same common origin, but that doesn't mean Finnic can't be that origin. I realise this may not be how the term is commonly understood, but how else do you say "from the same source" if not "cognate"?

CodeCat23:51, 8 November 2014

I believe the term for "same origin as this word, possibly via descent from it" is "akin to". On the Finnic side this doesn't work either though, as descendants do not belong in the etymology section (much like how we do not claim that Latin hora is "cognate to" English hour.)

Tropylium (talk)23:59, 8 November 2014