The dative in modern Greek

The dative in modern Greek

I wondered why ({{el-form-of-nounadj}} you decided to allow for a dative form. Standard Modern Greek doesn't have (AFAIK) any dative forms - such as do exist are idiomatic relics from historic forms of Greek, which can be better dealt with on a on-by-one basis. I only mention this because someone might be tempted to use it wrongly!
The way in which we might deal with Katharevousa and other non-Ancient terms is something which I have been putting off for since it draw me away from dealing with the standard Modern.

Saltmarshσυζήτηση-talk05:04, 7 September 2016

I saw another editor adding archaic dative forms, and because the template didn't support them, they found a bad workaround. So I added it to accommodate them.

CodeCat12:05, 7 September 2016