Visual Editor list

Visual Editor list

CodeCat, I am trying to modify a VisualEditor list. However, when I try to save it, it says it contains errors. I don’t see any errors. Is it balking at complex letters such as ą́, which is a composite made up of ą + ́ ? This is what I’m trying to insert: "Áábée": { "ʼ" : "ʼ", "Á" : "Á", "á" : "á", "Ą" : "Ą", "ą" : "ą", "Ą́" : "Ą́", "ą́" : "ą́", "É" : "É", "é" : "é", "Ę" : "Ę", "ę" : "ę", "Ę́" : "Ę́", "ę́" : "ę́", "Í" : "Í", "í" : "í", "Į" : "Į", "į" : "į", "Į́" : "Į́", "į́" : "į́", "Ó" : "Ó", "ó" : "ó", "Ǫ" : "Ǫ", "ǫ" : "ǫ", "Ǫ́" : "Ǫ́", "ǫ́" : "ǫ́", "Ń" : "Ń", "ń" : "ń", "Ł" : "Ł", "ł" : "ł", },

06:29, 13 March 2015

I'm not sure what a VisualEditor list is. Can you show me what page it is you're trying to modify?

CodeCat13:28, 13 March 2015
Edited by 2 users.
Last edit: 21:38, 1 March 2023
—Stephen (Talk)14:48, 13 March 2015

Maybe it doesn't like the comma before the }?

CodeCat14:57, 13 March 2015

Yes, that was it. Thanks!

—Stephen (Talk)15:04, 13 March 2015