obsolete synonyms of [[šķīvis]]

obsolete synonyms of šķīvis

Hi CodeCat! You've recently complained about the format of obsolete forms like kaninķenis in Latvian. I've made a few changes in one such case, and I'd like to see if you think it an improvement. First, I created two new templates ({{obsolete synonym of}} and {{archaic synonym of}}) that directly mention synonymy (unlike {{obsolete name of}}, which you objected to). Then, in šķīvis, I moved the competing obsolete synonym tallerķis and its variants from ===Alternative forms of=== to ===Synonyms===, with {{qualifier|archaic forms}} in front of them to mark them as archaic. I then used {{archaic synonym of}} in the definition line of tallerķis (while keeping its variants, telerķis and telēķis, as {{alternative form of}} tallerķis). If you think this is better, then I'll change kaninķenis (and all other similar cases) to this format. --Pereru (talk) 08:35, 23 September 2012 (UTC)

Pereru (talk)08:35, 23 September 2012

I didn't really complain, I just said that it was an unusual way to format an entry and that we don't have any entries like that anywhere else. I presumed that there is some kind of consensus against such entries, or at least common practice. So you should probably ask in the Beer Parlour about it.

CodeCat11:46, 23 September 2012

My bad. I'll ask about it in the Beer Parlor later today then.

Pereru (talk)12:38, 23 September 2012

But do you think šķīvis is more similar to the (presumed) consensus you were talking about than kaninķenis? I would indeed like to improve it.

Pereru (talk)12:40, 23 September 2012