scientific names

scientific names

You have italicised a lot of scientific names in Dutch definitions, but taxa from subfamilies and above should not be italicised. Could you undo those incorrect italics that remain?

Also, quite a few of the recently created taxonomic terms are apparently not attestable. I have RFV'd a few, but more remain. They seem based on the Dutch Wikipedia, but that is a source that very often coins protologisms, also when it comes to taxonomy.

←₰-→ Lingo Bingo Dingo (talk)09:26, 4 February 2019

Ugh, stupid rules...

Rua (mew)11:48, 4 February 2019

Ok, I've removed the italics, let me know if I missed any. I'll also try to verify names from Wikipedia in the future.

Rua (mew)16:49, 4 February 2019