User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-tr-x

Xanthi {prop} (city in Greece) :: İskeçe
xanthine {n} (group of alkaloids, including caffeine) :: ksantin
x-axis {n} (axis drawn from left to right) :: x ekseni, x-ekseni
xenoglossy {n} (knowledge of a language one has never learned) :: ksenoglosi
xenon {n} (chemical element) :: ksenon
Xenophanes {prop} (a Greek philosopher and a poet) :: Ksenofanes
xenophobe {n} (hater of foreigners) :: yabancı düşmanı, yabancı sevmez
xenophobia {n} (a pathological fear or hatred of strangers or foreigners) :: zenofobi, yabancı korkusu
xenophobic {n} (xenophobe) SEE: xenophobe ::
xenotransplantation {n} (transplantation between species) :: zenotransplantasyon, ksenotransplantasyon
xerostomia {n} (dry mouth) SEE: dry mouth ::
Xerxes {prop} :: Serhas
Xianggang {prop} (Hong Kong) SEE: Hong Kong ::
Xinjiang {prop} (autonomous region of China) :: Sincan
xiphias {n} (xiphias) SEE: swordfish ::
XML {prop} (extensible markup language) :: GİD, XML
X-ray {n} (short wavelength electromagnetic radiation) :: X ışını
X-ray {n} (photograph made with X-rays) :: röntgen
X-ray {n} (X-ray machine) :: röntgen cihazı, [the one used in security] X-ray cihazı
xylograph {n} (engraving in wood) SEE: woodcut ::
xylograph {n} (print taken from an engraving in wood) SEE: woodcut ::
xylography {n} (art of making xylographs) SEE: woodcut ::
xylophone {n} (musical instrument) :: ksilofon