Your low-volume audios


Your audios are the only ones that I come upon that are commonly not loud enough. I like your pronunciations, but this is a downside. Have you æny idea how to deal with them? Sing of sound amplification? -- dictātor·mundī 23:01, 31 May 2021 (UTC)Reply

Yeah, I know, my recent audios are super grainy too, and a few are probably just plain wrong. At least one (Care Bears) was me trolling, lol, and there are a couple where I literally scream the word (I forget which audios they are, but it was funny as it was in the mix with quiet audios, so if anyone turned up their volume they'd be deafened)! Basically, I think the only solution is to either make a note of bad audios so they can be rerecorded (probably by someone else, or, if put into a list format, by me again [I just love lists!]) or delete them. Or you could try turning up the volume of your device...Indian subcontinent (talk) 07:08, 1 June 2021 (UTC)Reply
Care Bears has no audios, what did you want to say…? Why can you not simply raise your reard a bit?— oh these audios! Asking the reader to ‘try turning up the volume of [their] device’ is a bad suggestion inasmuch as this would make non-WF audios din like thunder; I tried using a volume booster, and heard WF shouting like hell but with indistinct articulation: so that helps not. I therefor suggest that you just somehow amplify the volume of your poor audios and re-upload them. ·~ dictátor·mundꟾ 14:47, 4 June 2021 (UTC)Reply
The Care Bears audio has since my previous comment been deleted. I might go through the crappy audios again in the future. Indian subcontinent (talk) 16:08, 4 June 2021 (UTC)Reply
HA HA HA!!! What gibberish words were you uttering in that audio ‽ ·~ dictátor·mundꟾ 17:57, 4 June 2021 (UTC)Reply
Well, if I make such a list for those audios, would you be able to rerecord em? By the way, regarding your comment ‘ [] it was funny as it was in the mix with quiet audios, so if anyone turned up their volume they'd be deafened’: that is a grave offence, dear WF. You are unnecessarily creating noise pollution, and that too suddenly, which would have health consequences on vulnerable people! Sinner!! ·~ dictátor·mundꟾ 17:43, 6 June 2021 (UTC)Reply
Sure, make a list, and I'll eventually get through 'em. As for the sins, I'm kinda allowed them, but I already know I'm going to wiki-heaven when I resign as I have my own shortcut and a boring RFD-archiving gadget named after me. Indian subcontinent (talk) 20:05, 6 June 2021 (UTC)Reply
Why did you not tell me of the existence of this list? ·~ dictátor·mundꟾ 13:45, 16 October 2021 (UTC)Reply



I had to do a mass delete so a lot of your legitimate work is probably gone too. Equinox 16:09, 18 June 2021 (UTC)Reply

Ah yes, that's a pretty good move actually. Perhaps a new tactic could be changing username more often TVdinnerless (talk) 15:26, 20 June 2021 (UTC)Reply
@TVdinnerless: Why do you consider that a tactic, will that help you restore the deleted pages? ·~ dictátor·mundꟾ 01:53, 21 June 2021 (UTC)Reply