

Kana uine mibvunzo, unogona kunyora kwandiri User talk:Stephen G. Brown. —Stephen (Talk) 19:40, 9 July 2016 (UTC)Reply



Shona chirudzi chisinganetse uye chinozivikanwa navanhu vazhinji ckakada kungoita se English hannzive hamgu semaonero amunoita hengu pamwe its my advantage because it's my mothers tongue T Chaita 16:58, 11 July 2016 (UTC)

Yaa l agree with u there that l should learn all languages but there is no one who can teach on eye to eye so should l do they T Chaita 11:44, 17 July 2016 (UTC)

You do not need to learn all languages, but you should focus on learning English. English is not difficult, and most people on the internet can read and write English. But if you prefer to learn Spanish, you can learn that. Spanish is also an easy language, and many people on the internet can speak Spanish. So you should choose either English or Spanish, and then learn that language.
I think that you will like using Duolingo to learn English or Spanish. It is free of charge, and everybody says that it is a good program for learning a language. See —Stephen (Talk) 13:25, 17 July 2016 (UTC)Reply

L now able to speak English 18:58, 23 January 2017 (UTC)Reply

Congratulations! That will help you a lot. People who speak different languages from all over the world often use English to talk to each other. —Stephen (Talk) 01:30, 24 January 2017 (UTC)Reply



Shona chirudzi chisinganetse uye chinozivikanwa navanhu vazhinji ckakada kungoita se English.Handizive imi semaonero amunoita?- pamwe its my advantage because it's my mothers tongue . T Chaita 17:04, 11 July 2016 (UTC)

It's good that you speak Shona, but you'll have to learn to do things in English, too, because this is English Wiktionary. Stephen speaks many languages and knows Wiktionary very well, so he can help you a lot. Chuck Entz (talk) 01:24, 12 July 2016 (UTC)Reply



Infinitive (kuitika chokuti):

kutaura = hablar = to speak

Present indicative:

ndi ndinotaura = hablo = I speak
u unotaura = hablas = you speak
a anotaura = habla = he speaks
ti tinotaura = hablamos = we speak
mu munotaura = habláis = you speak
va vanotaura = hablan = they speak

Present continuous:

ndi ndiri kutaura = estoy hablando = I am speaking
u uri kutaura = estás hablando = you are speaking
a ari kutaura = está hablando = he is speaking
ti tiri kutaura = estamos hablando = we are speaking
mu muri kutaura = estáis hablando = you are speaking
va vari kutaura = están hablando = they are speaking


ndi ndakataura = hablé = I spoke
u akataura = hablaste = you spoke
a akataura = habló = he spoke
ti takataura = hablamos = we spoke
mu makataura = hablasteis = you spoke
va vakataura = hablaron = they spoke

Imperfect (today):

ndi ndataura = hablaba = I was speaking
u ataura = hablabas = you were speaking
a ataura = hablaba = he was speaking
ti tataura = hablábamos = we were speaking
mu mataura = hablabais = you were speaking
va vataura = hablaban = they were speaking


ndi ndichataura = hablaré = I will speak
u uchataura = hablarás = you will speak
a achataura = hablará = he will speak
ti tichataura = hablaremos = we will speak
mu muchataura = hablaréis = you will speak
va vachataura = hablarán = they will speak


u taura! = ¡habla! = speak!