

Alternative forms




Literally, at side of.

Prepositional phrase


a lato di

  1. next to, besides
    Synonyms: lateralmente, accanto a, di fianco a
    • 2013, chapter 3, in F. Scott Fitzgerald, translated by Ferruccio Russo, Il Grande Gatsby [The Great Gatsby], Edizioni Scientifiche e Artistiche, page 77:
      Un uomo robusto, di mezza età, con degli enormi occhiali che lo facevano somigliare a un gufo, sedeva bevendo qualcosa a lato di un enorme tavolo fissando, con instabile concentrazione, gli scaffali ricolmi di libri.
      A stout, middle-aged man with enormous owl-eyed spectacles was sitting somewhat drunk on the edge of a great table, staring with unsteady concentration at the shelves of books.
      (literally, “A robust man, middle-aged, with enormous eyeglasses that made him look like an owl, was sitting drinking something next to an enormous table, staring at, with unstable concentration, the shelves filled with books.”)