bitten by the same bug





bitten by the same bug

  1. (informal) Having the same enthusiasm or motivation.
    • 1984, Stuart Creighton Miller, "Benevolent Assimilation": The American Conquest of the Philippines, page 253:
      By refusing to acknowledge the painful reality that most Americans had been bitten by the same bug that afflicted Roosevelt, Lodge, and Beveridge, the anti-imperialists were letting the people off the hook and in their own way preserving the American sense of innocence.
    • 2000, N. G. Roling, M. A. E. Wagemakers, Facilitating Sustainable Agriculture, page xxv:
      The subject area of the book is in rapid, if not turbulent, change. It is surprising how many of our colleagues have been bitten by the same bug. New ideas, perspectives, approaches, and projects arise everywhere.
    • 2001, James Jessen Badal, In the Wake of the Butcher: Cleveland's Torso Murders:
      Maybe he had just been bitten by the same bug that infects Jack the Ripper fans and devotees of other horrendous but unsolved crimes.