dry as a dead dingo's donga





dry as a dead dingo's donga (not comparable)

  1. Alternative form of dry as a dead dingo's donger
    • 1998 May 26, Aldheorte, “Who's up for a water balloon fight!”, in alt.fan.dragons (Usenet):
      I think I could take you all on in a waterfight and STILL come out of it dry as a (pardon my Australian phrase) Dead Dingo's Donga.
    • 1999 October 31, Pisshead, “Aussie new to Harleys”, in rec.motorcycles.harley (Usenet):
      I also have doubts if you really are an Aussie because you came into a bar and never bought a drink Damn me didgeridoo Dave! I'm as dry as a dead dingo's donga! How much can a koala bear!
    • 2010, Peter FitzSimons, Kokoda, →ISBN:
      And he was thirsty too, as dry as a dead dingo's donga, as his water had run out and it hadn't rained for hours.