Votic edit

Etymology edit

From Proto-Finnic *lahja, from a Germanic loan. Cognates include Finnish lahja and Ingrian lahja.

Pronunciation edit

  • (Luutsa, Liivtšülä) IPA(key): /ˈlɑhjɑ/, [ˈɫɑhʝə̠]
  • Rhymes: -ɑhjɑ
  • Hyphenation: lah‧jõ

Noun edit


  1. wedding gift
  2. gift
  3. sacrifice

Inflection edit

Declension of lahjõ (type III/jalkõ, no gradation)
singular plural
nominative lahjõ lahjõd
genitive lahja lahjojõ, lahjoi
partitive lahja lahjoitõ, lahjoi
illative lahjasõ, lahja lahjoisõ
inessive lahjõz lahjoiz
elative lahjõssõ lahjoissõ
allative lahjõlõ lahjoilõ
adessive lahjõllõ lahjoillõ
ablative lahjõltõ lahjoiltõ
translative lahjõssi lahjoissi
*) the accusative corresponds with either the genitive (sg) or nominative (pl)
**) the terminative is formed by adding the suffix -ssaa to the short illative (sg) or the genitive.
***) the comitative is formed by adding the suffix -ka to the genitive.

References edit

  • Hallap, V., Adler, E., Grünberg, S., Leppik, M. (2012) Vadja keele sõnaraamat [A dictionary of the Votic language], 2nd edition, Tallinn