



From Latin regulare (to direct, rule, regulate), from regula (rule), from regere (to keep straight, direct, govern, rule) + -ize.



regulize (third-person singular simple present regulizes, present participle regulizing, simple past and past participle regulized)

  1. To make or become regular; regularize.
    • 1952, Coffee and Tea Industries and the Flavor Field - Volume 75, page 91:
      Finally, the multiple difficulties which have retarded the opening of the coffee market at Havre will disappear one after the other, and with great satisfaction dealters in coffee will see this project become a reality. From it one can expect a salutary effect in regulizing the supply to the French market.
    • 1989, Geometria - Issues 8-12, →ISBN, page 31:
      A concordance to these general premisses, the blocks are distributed in the spaces between the roads, they are regular in the vale where the conditioning elements are fewer and, they regulize where the recent developments have their strongest bonds.
    • 2011, Dan O'Brien, Gardening - Philosophy for Everyone: Cultivating Wisdom, →ISBN:
      I was longing for some kind of regulized work which, of all the things I can do in my present condition, is the most nearly bearable, if I am not mistaken.
  2. (statistics) To manipulate data so that it is on a comparable scale; normalize.
    • 1988, Academia de Studii Economice (Romania), Economic Computation and Economic Cybernetics Studies and Research:
      Let p be the threshold wherefrom output signal begins to appear and P the saturation threshold, beyond which the output signal values remain constant. We regulize this interval by considering it is equal to the unity.
    • 1996, Applied Mechanics Reviews - Volume 49, Issues 7-9, page 40:
      The development of the boundary integral equations exploits (as usual) Somigliana's identity but a special manipulation is carried out to "regulize" certain integrals associated with the crack line.
    • 2018, Danail Stoyanov, Understanding and Interpreting Machine Learning in Medical Image Computing Applications, →ISBN:
      We regulize by dropout (p = 0.25) just before the fully connected layer.
  3. To make regulations about.
    • 1989, Mary Wollstonecraft, Janet Todd, Marilyn Butler, The Works of Mary Wollstonecraft - Volume 6, →ISBN, page 82:
      Despite royal opposition sixteen legions formed immediately in Paris, and the movement spread swiftly and spontaneously throughout France. It was regulized bv laws of 1790 and 1791.
    • 1991, Ernst Röhrig, Bernhard Ulrich, Temperate Deciduous Forests, page 398:
      Ever since, manorial forest owners sought to prevent destruction by prohibition orders and by high penalties, and to regulize the use of the forests.
    • 2004, Political History and Culture of Russia, page 486:
      The parliament succeeded in nullification and putting away / off legal organization related with bribe as well as presenting titles and the like .... this parliament overcame to regulize price of bread and meat.
  4. (by extension) To control.
    • 1910, International Servitudes:
      “As public and international law,” adds Bluntschli, “have for their sole object to recognize and to regulize the aspirations and needs of peoples, we can not on this point of detail leave subsisting that which is in contradiction with the general development.
    • 1913, W. P. Waggener, In the Supreme Court of the State of Kansas, No. 19115:
      When you have completed this drainage canal with the side slopes reveted and the cross section that you propose to give it, aren't you regulizing that stream.
    • 1961, Trudy: - Volume 12, page 52:
      Тhus, not the image of food itself, but the image of food box with unpleasant food regulizes the behaviour.
    • 1984, A. Moens, A. H. J. Siepman, Development of the agricultural machinery industry in developing countries:
      Now dams regulize the São Francisco river.
  5. To bring into accord with regulations.
    • 1970, Municipal World - Volume 80, page 218:
      An appeal by the original applicant against a decision of the committee dismissing an application for a minor variance to regulize the construction of a garage.
    • 2005, Chantal Joubert, Judicial Control of Foreign Evidence in Comparative Perspective, →ISBN:
      The sources of Dutch law are both formal and informal: While the main source of law is statutory law, a complex system of secondary law sources and policy norms co-exist, sometimes even regulizing non-compliance with a particular norm.
  6. (chemistry, archaic) To reduce to pure metal.
    • 1778, Mineralogia Cornubiensis; a Treatise on Minerals, Mines and Mining:
      Nevertheless, in some Ores, these returning charges at three pounds are over uch; for if it requires but that money to smelt Ore of fifty shillings nett value # ton, it certainly cannot take the same to smelt Ore of thirty or forty pounds; as many of our rich gray Ores (which are naturally regulized) and native Copper demand but two or three flowings to be thoroughly refined.